An area that members need to be aware of is the etiquette of bowls. It is a sport with a long tradition of sporting behavior. New bowlers are invariably left to find out for themselves what is expected of them, or they find themselves confronted by another bowler who delights in telling them what they are allowed and not allowed to do. This latter approach can be very disconcerting, and in our club, we want every new bowler to feel welcome in a friendly environment. This section on etiquette is included to help new members understand the sport whilst reading it in the comfort of their armchair.
1. Each bowler during a game is expected to be ready to bowl when it is their turn and to concentrate on the match.
2. Players are expected to be quiet and not move at the head end when a player is preparing to bowl. Avoid obscuring the rink number and rink markers from the bowler.
3. Be aware of players on adjacent rinks. Keep to your own rink and do not become a wanderer and distract other bowlers. Do not walk past the end of a rink when somebody is about to bowl.
4. Encourage and praise the rest of the team including the skip. Don’t applaud a team member who has outrageous luck and admit a fluke shot with grace.
5. Compliment your opponent’s bowls and don’t wave your opponent’s bowls through the head.
6. Minimise the distraction and interference with bowlers on adjacent rinks during movement between ends by walking, as far as possible, along the centre of the rink.
7. Be gracious whether you win or lose.
8. At the end of the game shake hands with your opposition. In a singles game thank the marker and offer to buy them, as well as your opposition, a drink.
9. After matches be prepared to offer your opposition a drink and socialise with them.
11. All members are recommended to read the Laws of Bowls to familiarise themselves with laws governing the sport.