Headington Bowls Club
Founded 1924
Green:  Osler Road, Headington, Oxford, OX3 9BH
Telephone: 01865 761340
Affiliated to Bowls England, Oxfordshire Bowling Association & Bowls Oxfordshire Ladies

Headington Bowls Club Rules

Headington Bowls Club

Affiliated to Bowls England, Oxfordshire Bowling Association and
Bowls Oxfordshire Ladies.


The club shall be called The Headington Bowls Club (herein after referred to as the club) the green, Osler Road, Headington, Oxford, OX3 9BH.

The objects of the club are to promote and encourage the game of bowls for all ages, by providing and maintaining its green and suitable club premises in Headington.

The club shall be managed by a General Committee to consist of:-

Senior Vice President
Immediate Past President
Honorary Secretary
Honorary Treasurer
Match Secretary
Men’s Captain
Ladies’ Captain
Men’s Delegate
Ladies’ Delegate
Bar Manager
Ability to co-opt members on
Plus 4 men and 2 lady members

Other offices to be elected but not serving on the General Committee are:-
Men’s Vice Captain
Ladies Vice Captain
Welfare / Safeguarding Officer

Notice for election of Officers and Committee shall be placed on the notice board during the month of August.

The election of all Offices and Committee members shall take place at the Annual General Meeting.

3.1 The General Committee shall be vested with the management of the club, including all legal and licensing requirements. Regulate the opening and closing of the green, and management of the bar and engage or dismiss members of the club. They shall also have the power to call an Extraordinary General Meeting.
Such General Committee shall be chaired by the President or deputy appointed for that meeting by the General Committee and shall have the power to appoint sub-committees from its own number and to approve the co-option of additional members to such sub-committees or to the General Committee. The committee must have a minimum of a quorum, consisting of six members, to have authority.

3.2 A sub-committee shall not incur expenses without the sanction of the General Committee with the exception of the bar, house, green and garden committee which shall spend in accordance with immediate requirements.

Auditors shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting.

There shall be not less than two and not more than four trustees who shall be appointed by the General Committee and shall remain in office during the pleasure of the committee, all the property of the club shall be vested in the Trustees representing and acting for the whole of the members. No personal liability shall attach to any trustee except to the extent of such funds of the club as may be actually received by them.

The financial year shall end on the 30th September and the Annual General Meeting shall be held in the month of November every year, fourteen days’ notice to be given to every member.

The secretary shall call an Extraordinary Meeting, on the receipt of a requisition by not less than 16 playing members, giving not less than fourteen days’ notice and specifying the objects to which alone the business of the meeting shall be confined. A quorum to be one third of the playing members with a two thirds majority of those present to pass a resolution.

The Honorary Secretary shall keep a minute book in which all minutes of meetings of the club and General Committee shall be entered and also a register of members containing names and addresses of all members of all categories. He/she shall give notice of all meetings of the club and its General Committee, in accordance with the instructions of the said committee, and shall also give notice of a Special Meeting of the General Committee on the requisition of not less than six committee members. The secretary to be responsible for all the meetings.


The Honorary Treasurer shall collect all subscriptions and monies due to the club and shall issue receipts for same and keep correct accounts of the funds. He/she shall receive all monies belonging to the club and deposit same at the club’s appointed bank in the name of Headington Bowls Club. He/she shall submit an audited statement of the accounts for the year at the Annual General Meeting of the Club to be held in November. He/she will provide a financial report for the monthly General Committee meetings.


Subscriptions shall be displayed in the club and shall be those in force approved at a previous Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting. Subscriptions shall be due after the Annual General Meeting and must be paid to the Hon. Treasurer by the 30th April. Any member who is in arrears with their subscriptions may be struck off the roll at the discretion of the committee. A member shall not be eligible to play in any competitions unless their subscriptions have been paid.

All cheques to be signed by any two of the Hon. Treasurer, the Hon. Secretary and one trustee.

All candidates for club membership, either playing or social, shall be proposed and seconded by a member of the club and a proposal form be submitted to the management committee.

12.1 Should the club cease to be in existence, any remaining net assets shall be divided equally between all current full playing members who have at least 5 years continuous membership and life members.

A member may introduce a friend and enter the friend’s name and member’s name in the visitors’ book.
A member may not introduce any one friend to the club more than three times in one year for the purpose of playing bowls. No such visitor is allowed to order or pay for any excisable article on the club premises.

13.1 Members and officials of visiting teams and their bona fide supporters and persons taking part in competitions at the club premises and officials of associations organising such competitions may be admitted to the premises of the club and intoxicating liquor may be supplied to them or on behalf of the club for consumption on the premises and not elsewhere.

The bar manager shall ensure that the bar has an adequate supply of stock.
The bar manager shall ensure that the bar is staffed, when required.

The day’s takings shall be entered into the daily record book and signed. No member’s guest shall be permitted to remain in the club after the member introducing him has left the premises. No alcohol will be supplied to the guest.

15.2 Alcohol brought on the premises of Headington Bowls Club cannot be consumed off the premises

15.3 The bar opening times shall be determined by the committee and be in line with the clubs alcohol licence.

Headington Bowls Club fully accepts its legal and moral obligations to exercise its duty of care and to protect all children and vulnerable adults participating in its activities and to safeguard their welfare. The club is committed to do this by acknowledging that:
(a) The welfare of the child or vulnerable adult is paramount.
(b) Each person irrespective of age, gender, religion, race or disability has the right from abuse.
(c) Each person has a right to be safe and be treated with respect and dignity. The Club shall use its best endeavours to ensure that:
(a) All allegations of abuse are taken seriously.
(b) The response to them is swift and appropriate.
(c) The effectiveness of the policy is reviewed annually.
(d) Coaches and other adults have recourse to any allegation made against them.
(e) A responsible person shall be appointed annually as a Child Welfare Officer / Safeguarding Officer, to whom members can address any concerns.

Social members shall only be entitled to use the social facilities of the club. They are entitled to attend the Annual General Meeting of the club but shall not be entitled to vote on any decisions at the annual general meeting including proxy votes.

No alteration to any of the rules shall be made except at the Annual General Meeting, or Extraordinary General Meeting, convened for the purpose and then if passed by at least two thirds of the members present and entitled to vote. Notice of any proposal for alteration of any rule, with a copy of the resolution to be proposed, shall be submitted to the Honorary Secretary or his deputy, not less than 28 days before the Meeting at which it is to be proposed. The proposed addition or alteration shall be set out in the notice of the meeting.

The General Committee shall have the power to make Byelaws not inconsistent with the rules of the club and to amend or cancel any such Byelaws. Byelaws, while in force, shall be displayed on the notice board of the club.

The General Committee shall be the sole authority for the interpretation of the Rules and Byelaws of the club, and for settling all disputes relating to the affairs of the club and conduct of members in relation thereto.
Each member has the right of written appeal to the Honorary Secretary.